At Old Park Primary and Nursery School we aim to develop our young people’s skills to be healthy, successful and independent adults who respect, value and contribute to the wider community and society.
At Old Park Primary and Nursery School we aim to create a stimulating environment where everyone feels happy, safe, secure, valued, inspired and empowered to achieve their full potential so that they have the confidence to fulfil their own aspirations in school and life. We want learning to be enjoyable and fun so that our young people develop a thirst for knowledge and grow into lifelong learners.
At Old Park Primary and Nursery School we believe that it is important that children develop confidence and high self-esteem. To help achieve this we offer a rich creative curriculum which nurtures independence, thinking skills, responsibility and high aspirations.
As an inclusive, nurturing school, we provide opportunities for all, whatever their learning needs. We have high expectations for all within our school community to ensure that we demonstrate the very best standards of conduct, moral purpose and integrity.
At Old Park Primary and Nursery School we aim to work with local, national and global partnerships in order to strengthen curriculum links and promote an awareness of the wider world.
In Old Park Primary and Nursery School we aim to make a difference, by building positive
relationships with happy children and staff, where all the children are treated with the same respect.
We aim to develop the children’s skills for life, with an appreciation for each other. We aim to empower, build confidence and improve individual’s self-esteem.
In Old Park Primary and Nursery School we use high levels of professionalism and discretion, so that the children and adults feel safe and secure in their environment. We will strive to achieve the best for our pupils, doing whatever they need to promote them as individual learners.
We aim to promote a friendly and challenging learning environment, where the pupils and staff can achieve their full potential.